Abram Wilson Foundation – Future Sound Digital is a series of free, short videos which give you a simple, engaging and accessible insight into how different artists express themselves through music, how they write songs and how they became musicians. Produced by the Abram Wilson Foundation, these videos will support and inspire young people to create their own music and lyrics. Aimed at 11-18 year olds. The Future Sound Digital video tutorials feature talented artists Oscar Jerome, Sans Soucis and Arji Manuelpillai Girls Rock London – Girls Rock London is a music charity based in Hackney that works with young women and trans youth aged 11 – 16 building self esteem through music-making. Here’s the website for more info. GRL created a handbook in the Summer of 2020 – the GRL Guide to Wellbeing and Creativity – and sent it out to 100 young people along with a musical care package full of goodies. GRL are now making this accessible to all partner organisations (and beyond) so they can reach as many young people as possible. It features a range of activities focused on creative tasks (such as song-writing and lyric-writing, free drawing and craft activities) as well as mindfulness exercises, social justice and youth activism inspiration and recipes. It is free and includes input from young people and our incredible volunteer team in its design. GRL also commissioned a range of video and podcast digital resources for their Summer Project 2020. These were designed for 11 – 16 year olds and include – you can access the below resources here. Get Moving:7 dance videos – learn a choreography to a Beyonce track Making music at home: Videos on how to make music on your phone or device/ intro to music production/ vocal warm ups/ songwriting tips/ make a homemade drum kit Arts and crafts: including zine making and hand knitting with old t shirts If any individuals wish to donate to the charity Girls Rock London to support their work in Hackney, they can do so here. Expand Music Education are currently making an absolutely free of charge offer to students to tie in with the 90 day free of charge Logic Pro X offer from Apple. One ‘Style Series’ delivers between 15-20 hours of learning time covering the creation of drum, bass, harmony and melody parts before all the skills are brought together in a final composition. Here you can sign up for a free plan for the resources, students just create a login and their own password. And here’s a link to download Logic Pro X for a 90 day free trial. LSO Play – Experience one of the world’s leading orchestras like never before with this interactive and immersive webapp. A range of iconic pieces by composers ranging from Elgar to Shostokovich, Debussy to Stravinksy, Berlioz to Ravel, all filmed in HD during the LSO’s Barbican Season. View the orchestra from four camera angles simultaneously, and switch between them at any time during the performance to experience the orchestra however you want. Filmed in exquisite detail, you can focus on anything from the tips of the drumsticks on the snare drum, to the violinists fingers plucking their strings. The World Music Network’s ‘Guide to World Music’ is an extensive resource – explore more here Explore more online resources here